PhD, FNAE Visiting Distinguished Professor, IIT R; Adjunct Professor at IIT Jodhpur, IIT Jammu, IIT Gandhinagar (Formerly Executive Vice President, CTO and Member of Board of Executive Council, Thermax Ltd. Outstanding Scientist Atomic Energy Commission India & Executive Director - NTPC Ltd)
- Fellow Indian National Academy of Engineering - Member Research Council NCL, Pune, CSIR -Senior Advisor- JSPL (Largest Steel Company in India) -Advisor - Rishabh center , Hydrogen valley IIT, Jodhpur - Member on Advisory Council, Ahmedabad University - Chairman DST program on CCUS - Chairman DBT / BIRAC on electronic waste management - Member CII committee on IP and selection of best innovations in India - Chairman of Task Force constituted by Niti Aayog on Methanol - Member of Apex Committee on Methanol Economy - Approved PhD Guide at Dept. of Technology, Pune University (SPPU) - Member of Research Board, Ahmedabad University
Dr. Sonde started his early career working as a scientist in the country's top research institution, namely Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) where he topped the entire batch of scientists and engineers and was awarded Dr. Homi Bhabha Gold Medal. In the formative part of his career, he was deeply involved in nuclear energy research, developing technology on Heavy Water Plants while interfacing with various scientific, academic and research institutions.
His expertise in design and process engineering and did his research in the field of isotope separation and heavy water process. He was awarded for his contribution to nuclear energy and science a Gold Medal during the Golden Jubilee award in the hands of Prime Minister. Subsequently after 23 years of working in Atomic Energy, he was invited to join as Executive Director in the country's premier power generator, National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC). During his stint there, he created a new institution "Energy Technologies" which is now rechristened as NETRA to develop technologies in the thermal coal sector. Technology platforms that were established included Efficiency Enhancement of the thermal power plant, Clean Coal technologies like IGCC, carbon capture and sequestration and hybridizing thermal power plant with solar energy.
He currently teaches on process simulation, process integration and energy engineering. He also conducts courses on how to move the needly on TRL and commercialize the technologies at IIT Delhi. As a co-investigator on coal to methanol project as clean coal technologies, new version of sodium-sulfur battery system technologies and many mission programs he is currently part of new energy transition alliance being developed for DST.
He has also to his credit three start-ups at IIT Delhi and IIT Gn on AIML/Automobile mobility and Hydrogen Fuel Cells
In his assignment as Executive Vice President and a member of the Executive Council of Thermax, his main thrust of activities was to bring innovation and enhance knowledge in all the existing technologies within Thermax while also involved in the developing new technologies in the field of energy, environment, and water.
The current thrust of his developments are on Fuel Cell, Battery, Hydrogen in Energy and CDI (Capacitive Deionization) in Water. He is working on how to meet the climate change challenge while meeting the energy security of India. Coal to methanol (as hydrogen carrier) and methanol on board reformer to fuel cell to generate power (in CHP mode) is the way for building a hydrogen economy for India. He is pursuing this pathway in his current assignment.
These technologies are developed collaboratively with number of academic research institutes in India and abroad using state-of-the-art facilities.
Efforts are underway to take them to the commercial scale by creating appropriate business scale models.
He is currently the Chairman of the Task Force constituted by Niti Aayog on Production of Methanol using High ash coal .
He is also Fellow of National Academy of Engineers (FNAE), member on the CII / FICCI Consortium for Power & Renewable Energy, member of DST Committee on Water and many other committees.
He has been awarded the Dr. M. Vishweswarayya Gold Medal for standing first in the University of Mysore, Dr Homi Bhabha Gold Medal during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of BARC in the year 2006 by Hon'ble Prime Minister for his outstanding contribution in the nuclear field, Dr. Doraswami IIChE Medal and Gold Medal from the Indian Nuclear Society (INS).
He has currently assumed his position as Fulltime Professor of Practice at IIT Delhi, Adjunct Professor IIT Jammu, Advisor CSIR-NEERI, Member CII committee on MSW, Chairman DST committee on CCUS and serves as member to many committees on energy and environment.
Current interests are in clean coal technologies via gasification, hydrogen from biomass, CCUS, sodium sulfur battery, fuel cells for stationary & mobility etc.
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